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School administrators have a lot of responsibilities to take care of, so as to ensure proper functioning of the school. There are many technological tools available in the marketplace that can help administratorsin their tasks and help them succeed in their roles.

Such tools make administrators more productive and efficient in their day-to day tasks. There are many ways in which technology can enhance the productivity of school administrators. Here are some of the ways how technology can be used by school administrators to be more productive:


Self-directed learning is a type of learning in which learners are allowed to work on authentic problems and tasks of their own choice, and are still provided learning support in context to their problems.

Self-directed learning is an essential skill required in the 21st century educational world. This learning approach increases the motivation of students to learn, since they are the makers of their own knowledge, they experience a sense of independence while learning. This process keeps them engaged, since now they have to acquire knowledge on their own, and apply it along with their skills to find solutions to their problems, evolve their learning and be encouraged for life-long learning.


As education advances with the help of technology, it becomes very clear that the modern day classroom needs are very different from the conventional classroom needs.
The evolved 21st century classroom is a productive environment in which students can develop the skills they will require in the workplace and teachers are facilitators of their learning. The focus of a 21stcentury classroom is on students experiencing the environment they will enter as modern day workers and developing their higher order thinking skills, effective communication skills, collaboration skills, making them adept with using technology and all other skills that they will need in the 21st century workplace.


Technology is a dynamic tool that provides students access to extensive amounts of information and helps them develop skills required to transform this information into useful knowledge.

It is an essential component of modern day education since it helps students develop essential learning skills and become lifelong learners. Research and case studies have continually proved that technology improves student achievement in Reading, Writing and Mathematics; it improves the productivity, efficiency and decision-making abilities of schools; it helps teachers in professional development; it improves learning skills such as problem-solving, communication and interpersonal skills; helps schools create personalized learning environments to meet the needs of all kinds of students; it promotes equity and access in education; and helps students develop efficient workforce skills required in the future.


The whole idea of being educated is to understand how education evolves and the techniques to make it effective. Authentic learning is one of the best techniques.

Authentic learning is real life learning. It is a style of learning that encourages students to create a tangible, useful product to be shared with their world. Once an educator provides a motivational challenge, they nurture and provide the necessary criteria, planning, timelines, resources and support to accommodate student success. The teacher becomes a guide on the side or a project manager, a facilitator not a dictator. Processes become the predominant force and the content collected is organized appropriately into portfolios.


An MBA program gives an edge to your resume and makes it more pleasing to your potential employers. However, it is important to go only for the best MBA program.  There are many universities and colleges who pass out thousands of MBA students every year but not everyone is worth service because there are people who only believe in getting a degree and do not care for talent. They get jobs but they do not know how to works, they make mistakes and others have to suffer because of him/her.  It is essential that you get your degree from a good college/university; an institute which will not only provide you with a diploma but also with wisdom.

Say Goodbye to the Age of Generalizations: How Social Data Changes Everything

The emergence of social media and the steady decline of mass media are the two biggest marketing stories of the decade. Both print circulation and TV viewership have been falling consistently since the turn of the century; TV viewership, for instance, is down almost 50% since 2002.

NASA teams with Google to grow plants on the moon by 2015 to create habitable environment

Everyone dreams about what living on some distant celestial body would be like. The human race has only ever stepped foot on our moon, though, and it’s not a habitable environment. However, NASA is looking to change that, starting with growing plants on the lunar surface.

SpaceX flawlessly completes first launch to geostationary transfer orbit

SpaceX has successfully completed its first launch of a commercial satellite into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO). This marks the seventh ever flight of the SpaceX Falcon launch system, and the second launch of the recently upgraded Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket. Impressively, except for a small glitch on its fourth flight, SpaceX has retained a perfect launch record. SES actually got a discounted price from SpaceX for the launch, presumably due to the added risk of this being the company’s first attempt to reach GTO.

iPad Air: Escaping Apple’s Reality Distortion Field

At first glance, with the Apple Reality Distortion Field at full power, the iPad Air seems like an impeccable, immaculate device that could only ever be conceived by the magicians at Apple in California. The iPad Air is some 30% lighter and 20% thinner than the iPad that it replaces, while still retaining the same Retina display and 10 hours of battery life. Somehow, just somehow, Apple made us feel that it had yet again pulled off the impossible. In reality, the iPad Air, while very attractive, isn’t remarkable at all. The new Kindle Fire HDX, for example, has a higher-resolution screen, more battery life, weighs less, and even costs less than the iPad Air.
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