
Six Ways LinkedIn Can Help You Find the Right Study Abroad Program

Are you currently a student in higher education? Have you been thinking about studying around? Studying abroad is a wonderful opportunity that all students should take advantage of. It is a great way to have a more active learning experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. As well, studying abroad is a great way to experience a new culture and learn a new language. However, despite how amazing studying abroad is, choosing a program can be difficult. There are so many choices that offer so many promises. Despite these issues, there is something that you can use to help you find the right study abroad program. The social media website known as LinkedIn is just what you need to help you make your decision.

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Connect with Students via LinkedIn!

  1. You can use LinkedIn to connect with students who have done the study abroad program that you are thinking about doing. After all, reviews from real people are what count the most. They can tell you about the good, bad and ugly of the program that you are thinking about. They can tell you if the program is worth the cost or if it is just a waste of money and time. You cannot find information like that on the program's website or brochure.
  1. As well, there are students on LinkedIn who are currently in studying abroad programs right at the moment that you are looking at their profiles. They can give you their reaction while it is still fresh on their minds. It is like receiving live, up-to-the-minute information. That is a very value source of information that you should take advantage of.

Get a Taste of Studying Abroad via Pictures

  1. In addition, you can also look at the pictures that people post about their study abroad experience. After all, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Read the captions that come with the pictures. Even if the experience is not great, people often talk about it anyway as a way of venting, as well as letting people know how bad the program is.
  1. Also, people often post links to their videos or blogs on LinkedIn. Many people make videos while they are in the middle of their study abroad experience. Other people write blogs. Videos are a great audiovisual aid. As well, blogs make a great forum for people to express their thoughts and opinions. Whatever form people choose to use, take advantage of it. Videos and blogs give people the details that they really want to know.

LinkedIn as a Research Tool
  1. You can also use LinkedIn to check to see where the participants of the program are at now. After all, as awesome as study abroad programs are, you want to gain some marketability from them once you complete the course of study. You can see if the program's participants have gone on to achieve the success that you want to achieve. You can see how success the program is at helping people get a great job.
  2. You can use LinkedIn to connect with employers to see what type of study abroad experience appeals to them when they are hiring employees. After all, who else would be better qualified to tell you the worth of a study abroad program in regards to its employment possibilities?
Final Thoughts:

When all is said and done, studying abroad is such an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience that all students should take advantage of. However, it is always a good idea to conduct some research before making any major investment. After all, education is the most important investment that you ever make in your life. You need to get as much as you can get out of your investment. Use LinkedIn to help you do that.


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