
English As A Second Language: A Rewarding Career Opportunity

When seeing the phrase, "Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL", what comes to mind? Going to China, Japan, or an exotic South American country, contact with friendly non-English speakers, immersion in other cultures, and excitement come to mind. Receiving money to visit places and live there while teaching adds to the interest.

Some teachers consider working with people recently emigrated from another country to the United States, Canada, or other English-speaking countries. Helping immigrants or long-term residents with on the job communication, navigating health care opportunities, and going to the grocery store makes a worthwhile occupation for many. Teaching students entering the American school system without the ability to speak English, let alone reading it, fulfills the dream of other people.

Benefits of being a Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL.
Most teachers teach to gain satisfaction in interacting with students and to affect the lives of others for the better. Teaching English to speakers of other languages definitely affects lives of others in the best way possible. Making life easier for others by enabling them to more effectively communicate has no equal in occupations.

Salaries for the teacher of English to speakers of other languages TESOL vary, depending upon the amount of preparation, certification of the teacher, as well as the length of the assignment.

What education is needed?
A common misconception is that one must be fluent in at least one other language to be a Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL. This is not necessarily true. Requirements for certification vary according to the area in which you work.

People pursuing a standard academic degree, whether on-line or otherwise usually need to be fluent in a language in addition to English. They then follow a teaching course designed to earn a teaching certificate for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. These people can seek positions in government work and schools. Some educational opportunities specialize in short-term training of teachers to go to foreign countries to teach English. They are relatively inexpensive and offer positions in various foreign countries on a short-term basis. You can find them at a click of your search engine.

Certification for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL
At present there is no universal accreditation site for TESOL teachers. Ordinarily a teaching diploma is required. Some states require teachers to be specifically certified in languages.

It is wise, if you plan to teach in a foreign country, to check to help determine the certification needs.

Personal Characteristics of Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages TESOL
As with any teacher, excellent oral and written communication skills are required. Tolerance of other cultures is vital. Patience is necessary since often it is difficult for adults and children to adapt to different vocabulary and pronunciation. The process is sometimes longer than is desirable to either student or teacher. Of course, exceptional instructional skills are needed. Teaching is not just a matter of placing information before students, but also enticing them to learn.

Technological Resources
There are a number of technological resources on the World Wide Web. Ordinarily it is necessary to enter either TESOL or Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages in the search bar of your browser. Evaluating these sites is a matter of examining them and determining if they are useful for your purposes. There are even lesson plans available, although caution must be used in adopting them wholly.

So far, the most useful site found has been USA Learns which is entirely free and helps with tutoring students in the basics of English as well as intermediate English skills. The site has a spoken, written, and picture content along with a guided curriculum. It's free and a good supplement to classes.

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