

  Everybody knows chess was a game which originated in India before even 6th century symbolising two kingdoms fighting each other with all the four armies though it’s an interesting game it can’t be played anywhere, to overcome this problem there has been an project proposing to play chess anywhere with anyone in any part of the world with only internet connection.
The project is been named as “remote chess” and as already said it allows you play chess in real time against opponents anywhere in the world so long as there is an internet connection, and all that it requires is a Remote Chess chessboard, a NTSC television, and a computer running Mat lab, since chess is an open domain this project doesn’t have any trademarks associated with it.

The over view of the project can be summarized as the project’s goal was to create a pair of chess boards for playing remote chess. These chessboards had to detect the movement of pieces and transmit data regarding those moves to each other. The transmission is sent using a serial connection which makes use of the serial ports. The range of this connection is extended through a Mat lab script bridging the serial ports of two Computers which are connected to each other over the Internet.

Now to know how this really works is that, for our chess board to function they needed to perform four separate tasks: scan each tile of the board for the presence or absence of a piece, compare this with previous values, communicate with the other board, and communicate with the user.

The user interface of the project, the user’s input is as simple as moving his pieces on the board. Previous final projects have determined that moving pieces automatically is difficult and inaccurate; therefore this project allows the users to move the pieces themselves. The opponent’s moves are shown with a graphical representation on a TV screen. Since the player can see where his opponent has moved pieces by looking at the TV screen, he does not need to have his opponent’s pieces on his board. So once this project get to be implemented practically everyone can gets a chance to play chess anywhere and anytime.


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