
3 Trustable Search Engines for your Kids

World is changing everyday with its latest updated technology. With the power to wide spread through Internet, everything seems to be a click distant. Most of us find solutions to our day to day problem in Search Engines and reason behind this is their accuracy.  But with leap in technology exposure, there is a little concern for parents to know what their kids are up to. So toady I have some great technology for kids, that is, search engine for kids. The education process in school is quite hasty and kids find it difficult to cope up with it. So the kids need an education search engine to sort out their part of answers. But generally how many of us really know that there are separate category of search engines designed for kids.

What’s wrong with Search Engines?
Let’s have a look on the problem.  The search engines are designed to search all kinds of information regardless of the user age group who may be a kid, teenager, adult or elder. So it’s nearly impossible to trace different users to restrict to some particular access of information. And so even with many top search engines provided with parental control options are not 100% safe. A kid of today’s generation needs access to right information, and that’s the reason behind the development of search engine for kids.
List of Benefits in Kids Search Engine:
Easy User Interface:
  • Simple user interaction.
  • Artistic graphical approach.
No Advertisements.
Intense Search:
  • Allows search only on basis of education intensity.

Let us consider that we are searching for a keyword “car”.  A normal search would lead us to various attributes such as car insurance, car repair, car prices and so on.  But this facility of search engine for kids allows information purely on history, manufacture technique, evolution and other car related queries.
Testing the vulgarity content search:
Now we have known to a much extent about the kids search engine, let us test it with real vulgar word based search. For example if you test it with a word related to skin or thong, the feature of search engine is too strong that it won’t show a single entity related to vulgarity.

3 top search engine for Kids:

Kidrex bags the top education search engine.  The user interface is so simple that a kid with no knowledge of computing can handle it like an expert.  The reason behinds its simplicity is its diagrammatic approach that explains everything.  Not only that, but also its explanation about any topic is in simple English with usage of simple understandable words. It’s popular for:
  • Topping the list of tools for kids, it is one such extraordinary search engine.
  • Product of Google custom search engine.
But only drawback in Kidrex is the lack of content. Moreover it’s the best and fastest tools available for kids for a regular search. Visit Kidrex and give it a try.
Second in the list goes for the Kidsclick. Now this search engine is better in some aspects but lags for some features too.  Kidsclick may not have an interface equal to Kidrex bur nevertheless, its far more simple with not too graphical design.  It’s more or less equivalent to dictionary. It’s better for reasons because,
  • Provides direct meaning without too much information.
  • Shows appropriately according to keyword, hence reducing complexity.
  • It provides the generalization of topic with its reading level.
The Kidsclick has better response time with accurate rate higher.  The Kidsclick logo defines that the Kidsclick was designed by the librarians which boosts up its performance with influence to highly knowledgeable persons.
Just check it out this search engine at

QuinturaKids with its attractive homepage magnetizes many to revolve around the search engine.  It with holds the feature of both the kids search engine written above.  The match is to quality of simplicity and designer preview.
  • Good performance
  • Better keyword optimization
If there is any technical aspect which is unethical is “the links to external source”.  Which means it may indirectly be, not completely secured with their link provided to other websites. 
Choice is yours
With these powerful provided tools for kids, I may just pass on a word that the “choice is yours”. All three are better in their own aspirant and they all are secure enough for kids to use it as a study material. If further there is improvise in education search engine, then that would only be a fatal development to these high equipped tools.

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