
8 Reasons To Choose A Private School

There almost seems to be a negative stigma placed upon private schools these days. Most people feel that such parents are simply opting to keep their children sheltered from the realities of the world. However, private education has been statistically linked to further job and life satisfaction, financial and social success, and opportunity. Many public schools, however, have been linked to intellectual stagnation and lower life satisfaction. Beyond these trends, there are a plethora of reasons parents should at least consider private education for their children.

1) They are Mostly Free of Standardized Tests:
Many teachers have stepped forward and called standardized testing the bane of public schooling. In order to secure their job and ensure their school maintains federal funding, teachers have to be sure that kids understand the test. This goes beyond teaching material that will be on the test. It extends into merely teaching the test. As such, intellectual growth is almost dissuaded as the student's must become experts in their state's test. Private institutes don't have this issue. Most are exempt from the testing mandate and can better stimulate growing minds.

2) More Attention Given to the Children:
Many states have passed class size amendments. Most have turned out to be unmitigated disasters. The intent was to try and make sure kids get personalized attention instead of being treated like a number. However, it has only forced schools into tough budgetary spots. Private institutions, by their nature, can more readily give this individual attention.

3) Parental Inclusion is Highly Recommended:
Most private institutions don't leave parents out of the teaching process. In fact, many work hard to maintain parental involvement. This ensures that kids are receiving academic support at both home and school. Most public school students, however, live two distinctly different lives when their in and away from school.

4) Religious Freedom:
Due to the separation of church and state, public schools cannot directly recognize a specific religion or teach to that. Although some schools may offer comparative religion classes, these often have to skimp out on major details. Furthermore, there's the whole issue of allowing prayer in schools. People can choose a school to suit their children's spiritual needs as well as academic.

5) They're not as Expensive as You'd Think:
Most believe that private schools cater to the super wealthy. While it's true that some schools are prohibitively expensive for the majority of people, there are plenty of reputable schools that are within the average family's budget. Plus, many offer scholarships to lessen the financial burden.

6) High Quality Teachers:
Because the market for private education is so competitive, it practically ensures that the kids will have the best teachers available. They can afford to be picky. Thus, they guarantee a quality education.

7) Excellent Facilities:
Because of how much money they make from donors and tuition, private institutions often have some of the most superb facilities in the nation. Many value the complete approach to academics, including personal fitness. Because of this, they ensure that their students have access to the best equipment available for success.

8)There is no Stigma on Intelligence
Most public schools see alarming rates of students bullying their intelligent peers. Private schools, though, don't see this kind of bullying. In fact, studies have shown that students at these schools value intelligence in their peers.

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